Tuesday 11 August 2015

Well getting tired of the reading, has been a busy course, not so much the course itself but to find the time to spend on it. Currently working in academia and have the summer off, so for the duration of this course I was in holiday mode, doing lots of traveling. I returned to Canada and with that all the catching and meeting up with family and friends, some that I have not seen since I went overseas. Add to that dealing with my Canadian life which is on hold as I am overseas, I needed to take care of a lot of administration items, property dealings, and then traveling throughout Canada from the West to Central to visit more family and friends. The course itself was interesting picked up several difference styles of research methods which I may or may use at some point in my life. I never say never as that is when you'll find you have to use one of the techniques. As well with the blog process, not really something I would do, prior to the course I did not even think about a blog page but now I have in mind a story board for a blog which I may do in the future. I need to do a lot of work before that even gets any consideration to be done. Nothing on it will involve research, it will be exactly what I said it would be, a story board. We'll see now it goes and when I am ready there may well be another form or method for documenting a story board. Right now I feel mentally exhausted, trying to think of things to write for this. Also spending time with my aging mother before I head back overseas, spend some quality time with her and my brother. Then before I know it back to work and some projects to work on and finish up. New product to train on and a new adventure to start. Well thank you to everyone who were patient with me as I moved about and was in and out of internet connections. Now time to wrap this course up and enjoy the last remaining days of my holiday before starting back at both work and the next course. At least when I am back in Doha for the next course I do not have as much traveling to do, just a conference in Madrid and then a rail trip to visit family in Holland for a week. Have a great rest of the summer to everyone, enjoy the time with family and friends before returning to work.   

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