Saturday 8 August 2015

Now time to play catch up on the blog site, I am still not much of a blogger and after reading the articles on blogging, well still not sold on the whole idea, but I need to keep an open mind on the value that a blog may add. So let me look at section one, the mind map. A mind map can be a very useful tool and then again it can lead to more confusion. For me I like a mind map that is short, concise and to the point, which gets the idea that is presented across. A mind map should be easy to follow with the flow or movement of the map making sense. I have seen mind maps that are beautiful how shall I say pieces of art, lots of graphics, pictures, very colourful, just beautiful. The drawback is sometimes the flair for the artistic takes away from the idea the map is to portray. I find my eye is drawn more to the art work then to the message or idea that is being presented. Maybe that is me and I just need to focus on what is being rather then the artwork on the map. There are many different sites that provide a software package at a cost to develop and use mind maps so you really need to see what is out there and then decide which one works the best for what you want. But past that it is a very effective tool to show direction and flow of a subject or topic. I think these can be a great adjunct to any topic or subject to assist in creating a better understanding of it.

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